We do things differently at Wanzer Edwards
From the moment you arrive at Wanzer Edwards for mediation, we are working to make you feel comfortable. Our registered mediators will get to work as you relax in one of our six private rooms.
As you spend the day working on resolution of your legal matter, help yourself to complimentary soda, water and coffee. Feel free to munch on a snack as you help yourself in one of our coffee bar areas. If your mediation goes through the lunch hour, Wanzer Edwards provides lunch, which is served in your mediation room.
While the mediator works with the other party, feel free to use your electronics such as tablets and laptops so that you can complete some work or just catch up on social networking. Free Wi-Fi is available in all mediation rooms. If you prefer to simply relax, each of our mediation rooms features a flat panel television equipped with Hulu Live service. Catch up on the news or one of your favorite shows while the mediator is in the other room working on your settlement.
If distance is a factor or if you are more comfortable mediating remotely, we can accommodate you with private videoconferencing and digital signature programs. From the comfort of your home, you can fully participate in mediation, reach an agreement, and sign final documents just as you would have in person.
Wanzer Edwards strives to make your mediation experience as pleasant as possible. Our experienced mediators have settled many cases involving family issues and will work hard to assist you in crafting an agreement. While mediation comes with no guarantee of success, our mediators are dedicated to the principle that people are in the best position to solve their own legal disputes without the need for a third party decision maker such as the judge.
Scheduling mediation at Wanzer Edwards starts with a phone call to (317) 454-8088. Our experienced team will help parties select a date and will send confirmation letters with parking information and details about the day. For your convenience, Wanzer Edwards accepts cash, check and all major credit cards for payment of mediation services. Wanzer Edwards looks forward to working with you on a peaceful resolution of your legal matter.