Frequently Asked Questions
We recommend $400.00 – $500.00 per attendee, as this is a full two-day program providing approximately 13.5 hours of Continuing Legal Education / Continuing Mediation Education through the Board of Law Examiners in the state of Indiana. You may opt to increase or decrease this as your market warrants. It is up to the sponsoring organization if any “add-ons” will be included in the cost, such as a one-year membership to a local bar association or professional organization.
The cost is $3,000.00, plus expenses which include the cost of materials, and hotel and/or mileage, where appropriate. The trainer will prepare and provide all written materials. Costs for these will depend on the number of attendees.
You must provide sufficient space for a two-day training which provides space for attendees to sit at tables in small groups. The trainer will be moving the attendees around the room in groups for different exercises, so space to move is preferred. The trainer will bring a laptop computer, portable projector and portable speakers if necessary, but rooms with sound and projection are also welcomed. The Collaborative Training program uses PowerPoint as well as videos which are best viewed on a large screen, so providing this for attendees will assist the trainer in providing the optimum learning environment. You may elect to set the number of attendees based on the space available for the training, if needed.
In addition, the trainer recommends providing light breakfast and lunch options for both days, as well as beverage service. This program works through lunch in an effort to pack the most training into the allotted time period. When this program has been offered in the Spring of 2013 in Indianapolis, the total costs of providing beverages, 4 meals and 2 snacks for 19 attendees was approximately $700.00.
Finally, the trainer welcomes the participation of local practitioners (attorneys, mental health professionals and/or financial professionals) who may already have experience with Collaborative Practice. Participation of local professionals can provide attendees with practical advice for how to begin a Collaborative Practice as well as how to handle any “sticky” situations in their practices. The trainer also includes an ethics portion of the program which a local practitioner may want to present as well, especially since your individual jurisdiction may have specific Collaborative, local or family law rules that will be helpful for the attendees to know. However, the trainer can also present this if there is no one available in your area.
Fill out the booking request form, and the trainer will contact you directly to discuss availability and dates.
We look forward to expanding Collaborative Practice to your area!